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China Reusable Plastic Wine Glasses manufacturer

Shenzhen BYF Precision Mould CO.,LTD


Professional Manufacturer for Plastic Drinkware & Barware

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January 1, 2020

How to Drink Wine like a Professional

1. Look.

Wine should be poured into a big clear glass so that you can examine the color(it is better to have a white background - either paper or a white tablecloth) The color of wines varies greatly, even with the same type of wine. White wines vary from light green to brownish in color, where a browner tinge usually indicates age and more flavor. Red wines, on the other hand, tend to become lighter in color as they age.

How to Drink Wine like a Professional

2. Smell

Before you take a drink of wine, swish your glass around to release the different flavors in it, and take a smell of it. To get a good impression of your wines aroma, swirl your glass for a solid 10-12 seconds (this helps vaporize some of the wine's alcohol and release more of its natural aromas) and then take a quick whiff to gain a first impression.

How to Drink Wine like a Professional


Now, you can take a taste. Start with a small sip and let it roll around your mouth.

When you take a sip of wine, allow it to linger on your taste buds while swishing it around the entirety of your mouth, allowing it to come in contact with all of your taste buds, including ones found on the underside of your tongue.

You can either take a quick sniff and then sit back to think about the first impression the wine gave you and then take a longer, deeper smell before allowing the smell to make an impression and taking a swig, or you can just take the deep smell. Usually this depends on the person’s preference, so you should try both to see which you prefer.

How to Drink Wine like a Professional

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